• vCenter Cloud
  • NSX-T VLAN cloud
  • NSX-T Overlay cloud
    • Including VMware AVI on Azure VMware Solution (AVS)
  • No-Orchestrator cloud
    • Including VMware AVI on VMware Cloud on AWS (VMConAWS)
  • Naming changes – NSX ALB Virtual Service Migrator is now renamed as VMware AVI Virtual Service Migrator
  • Added option to generate migration planner workbook to assist with organizing AVI virtual services into migration batches. This will accelerate the migration planning phase.
  • Consolidated the workflows for migrating virtual services of type “Normal” and “SNI_EVH”, which was handled as separate workflows in the previous versions. The migration flag “-q” or “–virtual_hosted_vs” is now deprecated. This enhancement will reduce the number of migration batches involved.
  • Improved job status reporting options. Status spreadsheets are generated in *.xlsx format for each of the migration modes.
  • Included tracking of skipped settings as part of migration in a separate spreadsheet which can be reviewed post-migration of a batch.
  • Added support for migrating virtual services that have WAF policies without a PSM group (learning group)
  • Added support to scan AVI objects to identify possible naming duplications that can prevent a successful virtual service migration. Any naming duplicates if found, will be tracked in a separate spreadsheet which can be reviewed for action.
  • TULSI-005 : An issue preventing a successful cleanup of virtual services of type TLS-SNI / EVH is now fixed.
  • TULSI-006 : Virtual service migration failures caused as part of WAF learning groups, custom datascripts and L4 policy sets are handled gracefully using skipped settings workflow. Entries in the skipped settings output will be a manual administrator task.
  • TULSI-007 : Error, Warning and Info message customizations with color codes is completed.
  • TULSI-008 : An issue preventing user prompt while an incorrect virtual service name is supplied is now fixed.
  • TULSI-009 : An issue where remove_prefix and cleanup modes are returning success messages in a specific scenario is now fixed.
  • TULSI-010 : An issue causing migration failures when duplicate object names are detected in the AVI tenant is now handled through a separate workflow.
  • TULSI-011 : An issue causing migration failures for Parent-Child virtual services as part of API changes in AVI 30.x version is now fixed.
  • TULSI-012 : Status output directories of migrate, remove_prefix and cleanup modes will be overwritten during each migration batch.
    • Workaround : Manually backup the directories before a new migration batch is run.
  1. This is the first step in the migration process where we organize all the virtual services into migration batches. Virtual services that have similar migration requirements (like same target cloud account, VRF Context, SE Group and IPAM profile) will be a part of the same migration batch. Run the migrator tool in “generate_planner_workbook” mode to generate a spreadsheet having the details of all virtual services along with the corresponding cloud account, VRF Context, SE group, VIP, AVI tenant etc. This can be worked upon to organize the virtual services into migration batches along with a unique prefix ID (runID) for each migration batch.
  • CONTROLLER_IP/FQDN -> This is the VMware AVI Controller cluster IP/FQDN [MANDATORY]
  • USERNAME -> This is the local “system-admin” user account to login to the VMware AVI Controller cluster. SAML authentication is currently not supported.[MANDATORY]
  • PASSWORD -> This is the password of the above user account to login to the VMware AVI Controller cluster.[MANDATORY]
  • API_VERSION -> This is the API version of the controller cluster. This is also the controller version (Eg:30.2.2) [MANDATORY]
  1. Run ./virtual_service_migrator.py with the “migrate” subcommand. ->  python3 virtual_service_migrator.py migrate –help
  • CONTROLLER_IP/FQDN -> This is the VMware AVI Controller cluster IP/FQDN [MANDATORY]
  • USERNAME -> This is the local “system-admin” user account to login to the VMware AVI Controller cluster. SAML authentication is currently not supported.[MANDATORY]
  • PASSWORD -> This is the password of the above user account to login to the VMware AVI Controller cluster.[MANDATORY]
  • API_VERSION -> This is the API version of the controller cluster. This is also the controller version (Eg:22.1.4) [MANDATORY]
  • NSX_ALB_TENANT -> This is the VMware AVI Tenant where the migration needs to be performed. [MANDATORY]
  • TARGET_CLOUD -> This is the target VMware AVI Cloud connector name [MANDATORY]
  • TARGET_VRF_CONTEXT -> This is the target VRF Context (under the target cloud connector) [MANDATORY]
  • TARGET_SERVICE_ENGINE_GROUP -> This is the target Service Engine Group (under the target cloud connector) [MANDATORY]
  • TARGET_APPLICATION_DNS_DOMAINS -> This is a comma separated list of DNS subdomains to create the application DNS records. These subdomains should be a avaialble in the DNS profile attached to the target cloud connector. [OPTIONAL]
  • TARGET_IPAM_NETWORK_NAME -> This is the name of the network used for VIP auto-allocation. This network should be available in the IPAM profile attached to the target cloud connector. [OPTIONAL]
  • TARGET_IPAM_SUBNET -> This is the subnet available on the network for VIP auto-allocation. This subnet should have IP pools defined for VIP allocation.[OPTIONAL]
  • OBJECT_PREFIX/RUN-ID -> This is the prefix that will be attached to the migrated objects. This prefix should be unique for each migration job as this will be used for job tracking and cleanup mode.[MANDATORY]
  1. Run ./virtual_service_migrator.py with the “remove_prefix” subcommand. ->  python3 virtual_service_migrator.py remove_prefix –help
  • CONTROLLER_IP/FQDN -> This is the VMware AVI Controller cluster IP/FQDN [MANDATORY]
  • USERNAME -> This is the local “system-admin” user account to login to the VMware AVI Controller cluster. SAML authentication is currently not supported.[MANDATORY]
  • PASSWORD -> This is the password of the above user account to login to the VMware AVI Controller cluster.[MANDATORY]
  • OBJECT_PREFIX/RUN-ID -> This is the run-ID that was used for the previous migration job. [MANDATORY]
  1. Run ./virtual_service_migrator.py with the “cleanup” subcommand. ->  python3 virtual_service_migrator.py cleanup –help

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